Seeing With Fresh Eyes

French novelist Marcel Proust wrote that, “The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but in seeing with new eyes.” To me, this sounds like the exact opposite of déjà vu. We all know that déjà vu feeling. It’s the distinct feeling that, even though we are in a completely unfamiliar place, somehow, we’ve […]

Stomping Grapes or Making Wine?

If you’re anywhere near my age, you’ll remember a very funny episode of the “I Love Lucy” show, where, en route to Rome by train, Lucy is spotted by a famous Italian cinema director and chosen to play a part in his new movie “Bitter Grapes.” Lucy sets out to immerse herself in the role. When […]

Predicting Progress

I read something the other day that appealed to the techno-geek in me. It has to do with techniques for predicting technological progress.  The go-to rule for predicting progress in the technology realm, at least what I always thought was The Rule, was attributed to Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel Corporation. The rule is commonly […]

Why Are We in Such a Hurry to Make Up Our Minds??

Perhaps you’ve wondered: Why did banks and traders make such bad decisions leading up to and during the 2007-2008 financial crisis? Frank Portnoy [a former derivatives trader and current professor of law and finance at the University of San Diego] , was apparently wondering the same thing.  In Professor Portnoy’s case, it led to the writing […]

The Power of the First Follower

I got a gift the other day. One of my former coaches, Martha Tilyard (I wrote about Martha last year in my post “A Belated Thanks You“), sent me a link to a video of a 3-minute talk at the February 2010 TED by Derek Sivers, titled “How to Start a Movement.” I want to share that gift with you. […]

A Follow-up on Out-of-Control Controls

A few months ago I authored a screed on out-of-control controls, where I took on the FAA for its seemingly impossible to navigate process for approval of safety related controls for a new US-based airline. It struck a chord with at least some of my readers, who related their own frustration with controls and control […]

What if there was a Pill to make us like each other?

Philosophy Bites is one of my favorite podcasts. There’s a new one every week or so, and I enjoy them all.  It’s an easy way to get some quick and easy exposure to important philosophical issues. Earlier this month I listened to a conversation with Pat Churchland on “What Can Neuroscience Teach Us About Morality”. […]