A few months ago I authored a screed on out-of-control controls, where I took on the FAA for its seemingly impossible to navigate process for approval of safety related controls for a new US-based airline. It struck a chord with at least some of my readers, who related their own frustration with controls and control systems that seem to do little more than add complications without improving anything at all. The rhetoric coming out of the Republican and Democratic Party conventions have brought the topic of government regulation back into the news. Based on the differing arguments we hear, it is hard to decide whether more regulation or less regulation would be better for the country.
Last month, my friend and business associate Alan Engelstad co-authored an article with Andrew Bass from the UK that appeared on Karl Moore’s Forbes.com blog. I enjoyed what Alan and Andrew had to say, and I hope you will, too. To read their article, titled “It’s Not About More or Less Regulation–A Message for Obama and Romney ,” which offers a rather refreshing approach to thinking about controls and control systems, click here.